24 research outputs found

    Face Detection with the Faster R-CNN

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    The Faster R-CNN has recently demonstrated impressive results on various object detection benchmarks. By training a Faster R-CNN model on the large scale WIDER face dataset, we report state-of-the-art results on two widely used face detection benchmarks, FDDB and the recently released IJB-A.Comment: technical repor

    SportsSloMo: A New Benchmark and Baselines for Human-centric Video Frame Interpolation

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    Human-centric video frame interpolation has great potential for improving people's entertainment experiences and finding commercial applications in the sports analysis industry, e.g., synthesizing slow-motion videos. Although there are multiple benchmark datasets available in the community, none of them is dedicated for human-centric scenarios. To bridge this gap, we introduce SportsSloMo, a benchmark consisting of more than 130K video clips and 1M video frames of high-resolution (ā‰„\geq720p) slow-motion sports videos crawled from YouTube. We re-train several state-of-the-art methods on our benchmark, and the results show a decrease in their accuracy compared to other datasets. It highlights the difficulty of our benchmark and suggests that it poses significant challenges even for the best-performing methods, as human bodies are highly deformable and occlusions are frequent in sports videos. To improve the accuracy, we introduce two loss terms considering the human-aware priors, where we add auxiliary supervision to panoptic segmentation and human keypoints detection, respectively. The loss terms are model agnostic and can be easily plugged into any video frame interpolation approaches. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of our proposed loss terms, leading to consistent performance improvement over 5 existing models, which establish strong baseline models on our benchmark. The dataset and code can be found at: https://neu-vi.github.io/SportsSlomo/.Comment: Project Page: https://neu-vi.github.io/SportsSlomo

    Direct Superpoints Matching for Fast and Robust Point Cloud Registration

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    Although deep neural networks endow the downsampled superpoints with discriminative feature representations, directly matching them is usually not used alone in state-of-the-art methods, mainly for two reasons. First, the correspondences are inevitably noisy, so RANSAC-like refinement is usually adopted. Such ad hoc postprocessing, however, is slow and not differentiable, which can not be jointly optimized with feature learning. Second, superpoints are sparse and thus more RANSAC iterations are needed. Existing approaches use the coarse-to-fine strategy to propagate the superpoints correspondences to the point level, which are not discriminative enough and further necessitates the postprocessing refinement. In this paper, we present a simple yet effective approach to extract correspondences by directly matching superpoints using a global softmax layer in an end-to-end manner, which are used to determine the rigid transformation between the source and target point cloud. Compared with methods that directly predict corresponding points, by leveraging the rich information from the superpoints matchings, we can obtain more accurate estimation of the transformation and effectively filter out outliers without any postprocessing refinement. As a result, our approach is not only fast, but also achieves state-of-the-art results on the challenging ModelNet and 3DMatch benchmarks. Our code and model weights will be publicly released

    Diagnosing Human-object Interaction Detectors

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    Although we have witnessed significant progress in human-object interaction (HOI) detection with increasingly high mAP (mean Average Precision), a single mAP score is too concise to obtain an informative summary of a model's performance and to understand why one approach is better than another. In this paper, we introduce a diagnosis toolbox for analyzing the error sources of the existing HOI detection models. We first conduct holistic investigations in the pipeline of HOI detection, consisting of human-object pair detection and then interaction classification. We define a set of errors and the oracles to fix each of them. By measuring the mAP improvement obtained from fixing an error using its oracle, we can have a detailed analysis of the significance of different errors. We then delve into the human-object detection and interaction classification, respectively, and check the model's behavior. For the first detection task, we investigate both recall and precision, measuring the coverage of ground-truth human-object pairs as well as the noisiness level in the detections. For the second classification task, we compute mAP for interaction classification only, without considering the detection scores. We also measure the performance of the models in differentiating human-object pairs with and without actual interactions using the AP (Average Precision) score. Our toolbox is applicable for different methods across different datasets and available at https://github.com/neu-vi/Diag-HOI